Tools for Buddhist sculpture
These tools in upper picture is part of my favorite tools
I never counted how many chisel I have
I think maybe more than 100 chisel I have
If you are genuinely sculptor of Buddhist statue
you need many chisel
some one may being interested in tools for sculpture by
image on a television or website or a scene in introduced Buddhist statue
if these person in the same profession the more they will interested
This chapter introduce how to use these tools
and how do I feel while use these tools

Actually there are lot of tools for sculpture for Buddha statue
in upper picture besides this
so these tools in upper picture is part of my tools
but I will introduce these tools one by one
First tools is Into
that chisel introduced below picture
this is chisel of high usage frequency
and Hirato(one of chisel also)is secondly high usage frequency
it is the lower image more
These chisels Into and Hirato have tow kind of edge
It is straight edge and Round edge

and there is one more famous chisel Maruto
that chisel introduced in upper picture
Modern Japanese reading Maruto
but we are Busshi(Master craftsman of Buddhist image) reading Ganto
we didnt use Ganto too much
Because if i use too much this chisel in before finished process
I may carve wood too much and if too much use Ganto in before finnishe process that statue goes look like sculpture by beginer
It means if you were beginner you will overuse Ganto( U-shaped gouge ) or Sankakuto(V-shaped gouge)
because these chisels is easy to use
However, you must not overuse that
if you overuse these chisels sculpture goes can't get the right balance of shape
But may beginner cannot beautiful carving by Into or Hirato
so I think beginner should use every chisels for enjoy wood carving and sculpture
Actually when I was beginner I had lot of experience of failure
by overuse Ganto and Sankakuto
Everybody can be beautiful carving before finished process
if they keep motivation of want to make cool sculpture and lot of experience of carving by
lot of chisels
I don't mean never use Ganto before finished process
It mean you should choose Ganto when you carve no choise other
chisels by shape and part of sculpture.
In such a case you should carving outside to inside
Why should carving outside to inside ?
Because if you carve outline first and carve head shoulder body foot
you can get easy to revise
for example if you finished clothes in early stage
you cannot revise to wide by carving trace of clothes
so you should decided clothes after decided balance of whole body
When you carving finished process
this Ganto is useful for that process

In what kind of situations should I use Ganto?
this small Ganto often use finished process
For example carve dent of flame-shaped halo on a statue of Buddha
and dent of clothes on a statue of Buddha
I use many kind of Ganto in finished process
So there is many width of Ganto from from a thin thing to a big thing.
And there is many Depth of gouge
one of that Goku-Asa-Maru and GOku-Goku-Asa-Maru is degree of being extremely similar to Hirato
Goku-Asa-Maru and GOku-Goku-Asa-Maru can use before finished process also
Also Hirato (flat edge chisel) has the extremely narrow extremely thin chisel of the width
Generally, one thinnest is Gori(1.5mm)but some Busshi get more thin chisel by special order
These thin chisels often use in part of hair line
I have Sanri(Japanese traditional measures) but another Busshi that a particularly small Buddha statue is carved manages a lot of very thin tools.
When I use Ganto I always add some twists to move of carving
Because that move make it beautiful finished surface
I think this move like a cut Sashimi
when i cut sashimi while going down using the length of the blade

In addition, as a special chisels is bent chisel

upper picture showing these bent chisels
there is two type of chisels
Left one is wide as for the width of the blade, the neck narrows
right one is you general Ganto
These chisels like a left one called Kodogu
it is get easy to grip by narrows neck compare to blade width